Ok so now i really regret not updating my blog often enough while i was on exchange!!!
It has been a year since my last post..and now i have already been back in australia 5 months:O
So let's go on a flash back :3
December last year...ok wow. It was absolutely amazing. The snow had already started and the weather was getting soooo DAMN cold!!! xD
My first ever Christmas was unforgettable experience and im going back this year to celebrate it again! There was cookie baking....big feasts...playing in the snow...family...love....presents xD I also learnt how to skii! woohoo ^^"
Hehehe, actually thinking back to all these memories kinda makes me sad because, i really miss the times of being an exchange student. :( Everything feels different now...i feel like i've experienced so much yet not enough!
Hmm in february school holidays, my family took me camping from north of italy to south of france, paris, germany then back to home sweet home austria :3 THAT WAS SO EPIC!!!!
We actually went to camping sites and slept in tents and sleeping bags. hahahaha
I am really lucky to have had the opportunity to see all those places :)
We went swimming in the sea, ate lots of baguette xD, went to disneyland paris, walked up the eiffel tower, walker up the arc de triomphe, visited the sacre coeur in moonlight, ate traditional bavarian food. :') If i could, i would definitely do this all over again!!
School in Austria continued to be normal....so not much to write about that. -__-"
Normal weekends were spent...going to the cinema, chilling at the arcade, playing billiards, going to a bar, sleeping over friends houses. Well, it was normal ^^ haha
Although mostly people spoke to me in ENGLISH so >.> yeah you can imagine...my german speaking skills are still dodgy.
In june, my family took me camping once again. But this time to Croatia!!! I seriously loved that place so much. It was the BEST! We went swimming in the sea in the day time...sun baked...relaxed in the tent...went for walks along the seaside at night....and ate at restaurants every night xD hahaha man.....good times good times.
I think that if you've never had this experience of being an exchange student you would never understand it. Its...hard to describe...and in all honesty, no one wants to really hear about your exchange unless theyve experienced it or are going to experience it themself.
And be prepared...because once you've returned, things will be different. My biggest issue was with my friends back in Australia. Everything felt distant...we weren't BFF's anymore..people changed. i changed. and i really wish that i prepared myself better for the difference. *sigh*
The whole student exchange process to Österreich!
The life of an exchange student all in a blog. Preparation. Pre-departure. Departure. Arrival. FUN! :D
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Monday, 14 November 2011
First 2 Months
Just a bit over 2 months have passed. My stay in Austria feels like its already coming to an end!
Its so hard to believe how fast time has gone. I have been doing as much as i can.
These two months were mainly about settling in...
Settling in at home, settling in at school, making new friends and exploring the "local" area.
It has truly been an unbelievable experience so far, but naturally there were also minor down times during the 2 months.Those down times were mostly because i missed my friends back in Australia. I felt like i was missing out on what was happening back there with the "school certificate", formal shopping and school. But whenever i got the chance, i would facebook them or skype them. (thank god for INTERNET and SOCIAL NETWORKS!)
I've also been attending dancing classes in the local 'town' ! It really is a great opportunity to learn how to dance and understand some instructions in German! I now know how to do the Wiener Waltzer, Cha Cha Cha, Rumba, Boogie Woogie etc.
In my opinion, you have to try everything and anything if you are an exchange student or else you will regret not doing it because time really flies by.
Learning another completely different language is a CHALLENGE. Before i left Australia, my vocabulary of German words were very sound. The most i could say was how to introduce myself.
Being surrounded by the language everyday definitely helps me improve my knowledge. Although my German speaking skills are still horrible... my listening skills are improving more and more each day. I can understand what most people say to me and i try my best to use as much German words as possible in conversation.
But it really astonishes me as to how much i actually can understand! In only 2 months, my knowledge has built up so much. One of my doubts before i went on exchange was learning the language...and obviously this fear is slowly going away :)
The hardest challenge each day in Austria is WAKING UP FOR SCHOOL.
I wake up every morning at 5:50am and have breakfast with the family at 6:15am.
It takes 35-40 minutes to drive to school and classes start at 7:45am.
On Monday, school lasts up until 5pm. It is quite tiring and my energy gets drained out so fast!
But as usual, slowly getting used to it.
I have been to Innsbruck for a weekend to watch a frisbee tournament of my 'host step brother' as well as Linz for the 2nd Arrival camp of AFS. I have also been in Germany (very very very border part of Austria) to sleepover a friends house :D
There has been so many things that have happened that'll forever stay in my memory.
Definitely not regretting my decision of going on exchange!
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Monday, 5 September 2011
Finally In Austria!
On the 1st of September, i left Sydney to go to Austria for one year.
This was when the journey was going to begin.
As soon as i arrived in Vienna airport, my first thought was that the airport was really small....well compared to Sydney.
Anyways, I was picked up at the airport by AFS volunteers and we had to wait for the USA exchange students to arrive. After that, the group got on a coach and went to Tulln for the arrival camp.
The arrival camp lasted for 2 days and during that time, i definitely learnt so much more things and made new friends again from all over the world.
On Sunday the 4th of September in the afternoon, i caught the train to Salzburg with a bunch of AFSers and finally got to meet my host family!
I must say, i am definitely staying with the best host family ever ;)
Bahahaha. They had a welcoming party for me and just made me feel like i was at home.
Everything is so different here in Austria. People speak soooooo fast! I really do hope that i'll be able to understand some of the german they speak soon.
That is all for now! :D
This was when the journey was going to begin.
As soon as i arrived in Vienna airport, my first thought was that the airport was really small....well compared to Sydney.
Anyways, I was picked up at the airport by AFS volunteers and we had to wait for the USA exchange students to arrive. After that, the group got on a coach and went to Tulln for the arrival camp.
The arrival camp lasted for 2 days and during that time, i definitely learnt so much more things and made new friends again from all over the world.
On Sunday the 4th of September in the afternoon, i caught the train to Salzburg with a bunch of AFSers and finally got to meet my host family!
I must say, i am definitely staying with the best host family ever ;)
Bahahaha. They had a welcoming party for me and just made me feel like i was at home.
Everything is so different here in Austria. People speak soooooo fast! I really do hope that i'll be able to understand some of the german they speak soon.
That is all for now! :D
Thursday, 1 September 2011
At the airport...
All alone, waiting to board the plane...using free internet tehehehe ^^
i miss everyone...
take care of yourselves!
i miss everyone...
take care of yourselves!
1st of September has finally arrived...
Mixed emotions.
Happy, excited, nervous, sad.
Hope you guys continue reading my journey in Austria!
I shall update as much as i can on this blog ^^
Mixed emotions.
Happy, excited, nervous, sad.
Hope you guys continue reading my journey in Austria!
I shall update as much as i can on this blog ^^
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Flight Details
I received my flight information today!! :D
But it's such a LONG flight. . .
So i'll be departing Sydney airport on the 1st of September and arriving in Vienna on the 2nd of September ! ♥
Here is a rough outline of my journey :)
Sydney to Bangkok
Departs 18:45pm -> Arrives 01:10am
Bangkok to Dubai
Departs 02:40am -> Arrives 05:45am
Dubai to Vienna
Departs 09:55am -> Arrives 13:45pm
I received my flight information today!! :D
But it's such a LONG flight. . .
So i'll be departing Sydney airport on the 1st of September and arriving in Vienna on the 2nd of September ! ♥
Here is a rough outline of my journey :)
Sydney to Bangkok
Departs 18:45pm -> Arrives 01:10am
Bangkok to Dubai
Departs 02:40am -> Arrives 05:45am
Dubai to Vienna
Departs 09:55am -> Arrives 13:45pm
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
The Girls from Mitchell; here's to you
(not in any order! Short and Sweet..kinda)
My whore, i love you :)
I don't know what i'd do without you.
Our memories are definitely unforgettable and i know we'll continue
to have more even if i'm in Austria.
Don't forget that i'm always here to listen to your happiness, troubles or
even your crazy weird thoughts or dreams!
I'm glad to have met you and you always make me laugh, even at the most
stupidest things! Hahaha :')
I'M GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH. Make sure you keep me
updated! And most importantly, good luck with your relationship! Happiness is #1
Mahal Kita <3
Wow :/ Ivananana!
I'm gonna miss our awesome english classes together!
And our sleepovers! Definitely gonna miss them too -sigh
It's been epic having you as one of my bestest friends :')
You better continue telling me about your life in AUS while
i'm in AUSTRIA! The guys, dancing ;), the bitches, the peer reading mornings... etc xD
I wonder if you'll still be addicted to tumblr after i come back..hmmm
Volim Te
katie begnell;
FUCK. where do i start with you!?
Damn i'm gonna miss you ! I know i can tell you everything about anything!
Although i'm not actually there, please remember i'm still always here for you.
Still here to listen to anything. I loved our shopping trips that went on for HOURS , the one year
obsession we had about TD (what the hell were we thinking?!?! LOL), our french lessons with Larkin -shivers-
There's too many memories to write down!
But anyways, if i ever have something troubling me while i'm on exchange, i know that you'll be there
to listen. -sigh-
Don't worry, be happy! Please?
Ana Bahhebak (I love you in EGYPTIAN!) Bwahahahaha <3
POLAR BEAR!! Tehehehe. I swear pb, you're like a baby :3
Although you're younger than me, i feel like you're always looking after me.
You care so much about my safety, THANK YOU. Seriously.
And for you, i promise that i'll stay safe and good :)
It's sad that you moved high schools but on a positive note, we still keep in contact! :D
You've taught me a lot about Korean bands and songs over the years :')
Promise me that you'll stay safe aswell and don't hesitate to ask for my advice.
jessica krensel;
Jess, Jess, Jess. -sigh-
You nerdy, white, german, kfc working, netball freak :')
I'll have to admit...i'll miss you poking me, kicking the back of my knee
and all those other assaults you do to me! LOL
Jokes. I'll make sure i'll send you post cards and stuff cause i know you wont
get facebook anytime soon. I'm not even sure when you'd read this... hahaha
Good luck with your life while i fail miserably in Austria... >.>
Ich habe Hunger! xD
Ich liebe dich <3
Happy Llama, sad llama, mentally deranged llama. Super llama, drama llama, big fat mama llama, MOOSE!
Maddison, i gotta say, you never fail to make me laugh. Hahaha you are one special friend :')
I hope you'll still keep in contact with me... cause i'll miss you a lot !
Whenever i'm feeling depressed i'll just inbox you on facebook and i expect a reply!
Lol, rejection sucks xD
Anyways, we've had a lot of hilarious moments throughout the years.
I'll miss our slapping wars, wiping mud on you and just hearing your laugh!
GAH. Make sure you get back to using skype aswell!!!
Since your irish....
Tá grá agam duit :D
(not in any order! Short and Sweet..kinda)
My whore, i love you :)
I don't know what i'd do without you.
Our memories are definitely unforgettable and i know we'll continue
to have more even if i'm in Austria.
Don't forget that i'm always here to listen to your happiness, troubles or
even your crazy weird thoughts or dreams!
I'm glad to have met you and you always make me laugh, even at the most
stupidest things! Hahaha :')
I'M GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH. Make sure you keep me
updated! And most importantly, good luck with your relationship! Happiness is #1
Mahal Kita <3
Wow :/ Ivananana!
I'm gonna miss our awesome english classes together!
And our sleepovers! Definitely gonna miss them too -sigh
It's been epic having you as one of my bestest friends :')
You better continue telling me about your life in AUS while
i'm in AUSTRIA! The guys, dancing ;), the bitches, the peer reading mornings... etc xD
I wonder if you'll still be addicted to tumblr after i come back..hmmm
Volim Te
katie begnell;
FUCK. where do i start with you!?
Damn i'm gonna miss you ! I know i can tell you everything about anything!
Although i'm not actually there, please remember i'm still always here for you.
Still here to listen to anything. I loved our shopping trips that went on for HOURS , the one year
obsession we had about TD (what the hell were we thinking?!?! LOL), our french lessons with Larkin -shivers-
There's too many memories to write down!
But anyways, if i ever have something troubling me while i'm on exchange, i know that you'll be there
to listen. -sigh-
Don't worry, be happy! Please?
Ana Bahhebak (I love you in EGYPTIAN!) Bwahahahaha <3
POLAR BEAR!! Tehehehe. I swear pb, you're like a baby :3
Although you're younger than me, i feel like you're always looking after me.
You care so much about my safety, THANK YOU. Seriously.
And for you, i promise that i'll stay safe and good :)
It's sad that you moved high schools but on a positive note, we still keep in contact! :D
You've taught me a lot about Korean bands and songs over the years :')
Promise me that you'll stay safe aswell and don't hesitate to ask for my advice.
jessica krensel;
Jess, Jess, Jess. -sigh-
You nerdy, white, german, kfc working, netball freak :')
I'll have to admit...i'll miss you poking me, kicking the back of my knee
and all those other assaults you do to me! LOL
Jokes. I'll make sure i'll send you post cards and stuff cause i know you wont
get facebook anytime soon. I'm not even sure when you'd read this... hahaha
Good luck with your life while i fail miserably in Austria... >.>
Ich habe Hunger! xD
Ich liebe dich <3
Happy Llama, sad llama, mentally deranged llama. Super llama, drama llama, big fat mama llama, MOOSE!
Maddison, i gotta say, you never fail to make me laugh. Hahaha you are one special friend :')
I hope you'll still keep in contact with me... cause i'll miss you a lot !
Whenever i'm feeling depressed i'll just inbox you on facebook and i expect a reply!
Lol, rejection sucks xD
Anyways, we've had a lot of hilarious moments throughout the years.
I'll miss our slapping wars, wiping mud on you and just hearing your laugh!
GAH. Make sure you get back to using skype aswell!!!
Since your irish....
Tá grá agam duit :D
Host Family
So... the other day my host mum messaged me :D
It is the most EXCITING feeling to receive a message from them !
She said that they were pleased to have me as their "daughter'' for a year ^^
Since its summer vacation in Austria at the moment, my host family is on holidays in Italy until the 20th of August. So basically, i can't talk to them more until then. :/
But anyways, i'll be living in Salzburg!
Birth city of Mozart, Filming of Sound of Music...woohoo! :D
(and much more)

And BEHOLD! The name of my school that i shall be attending for a year...
---> HAK Bundeshandelsakademie und HAS Bundeshandeksschule Hallein
Yes, I'm still confused as to how to even START to pronnounce it o_o"
But it looks pretty fancy ;P Tehehe
43 days!!!

It is the most EXCITING feeling to receive a message from them !
She said that they were pleased to have me as their "daughter'' for a year ^^
Since its summer vacation in Austria at the moment, my host family is on holidays in Italy until the 20th of August. So basically, i can't talk to them more until then. :/
But anyways, i'll be living in Salzburg!
Birth city of Mozart, Filming of Sound of Music...woohoo! :D
(and much more)
And BEHOLD! The name of my school that i shall be attending for a year...
---> HAK Bundeshandelsakademie und HAS Bundeshandeksschule Hallein
Yes, I'm still confused as to how to even START to pronnounce it o_o"
But it looks pretty fancy ;P Tehehe
43 days!!!
Friday, 15 July 2011
Completely off topic. . .
Warning: This post isn't about exchange!
Cutest, sweetest, cheesy-est scene :
(So she has a wish list of things to do...and one of them is to be at two places at once. And guess what? Yup, he makes her wish come truth in the most creative way ^^)
So i've watched A WALK TO REMEMBER five times now.... and i still can't get enough of it!
Best movie ever. Makes me cry everytime. :/
Quite sad, i know.
If you haven't seen this movie... SHAME ON YOU! GO WATCH IT!!!!
Cutest, sweetest, cheesy-est scene :
(So she has a wish list of things to do...and one of them is to be at two places at once. And guess what? Yup, he makes her wish come truth in the most creative way ^^)
That is all :)
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